Versatile voiceovers enliven your videos
  • Choose from a varied selection of engaging
    and professional commercial AI voiceovers
  • Customize background music and add
    sound effects to bring your video to life
  • Help your videos more effectively capture
    potential customer interest
Marketing Sarah Lepley
Marketing icon


Sarah Lepley

Ads Liam Spencer
Ads icon


Liam Spencer

Chat Leona Bacon
Chat icon


Leona Bacon

Friendly Liam Spencer
Friendly icon


Liam Spencer

Excited Jenson Moore
Excited icon


Jenson Moore

Hopeful Sarah Lepley
Hopeful icon


Sarah Lepley

A streamlined process is speedy and effective
  • Quickly dub your video from our stock ultra-realistic voiceovers in 70+ languages and accents
  • No more repetitive hourly recording; simply adjust the
    audio by editing text
  • Monitor every adjustment in real time and receive your
    perfect voiceover in minutes
speedy and effective streamlined marketing process
Utilize powerful editing features for more refined and persuasive messaging
  • Adjust speed, rhythm and pause
  • Change mispronunciations with 'alias' or 'phoneme'
    Create a lexicon to apply to all files
  • Multiple speakers generate dialogue in one audio piece to create engaging, informative videos
Editing features for more refined messaging
Adjust iconAdjust
Modify iconModify
Multi speaker iconMulti-speaker
Customize your brand voice for consistent
and effective marketing videos
  • Custom voiceovers perfectly match the tone, style and
    language of your brand
  • Leading voice-cloning technology
  • 1000+ commercial cases of proven voice-cloning capabilities
Oliver Reed
Original voice
Cloned voice
Josie Addison
Original voice
Cloned voice
Jeff Brewster
Original voice
Cloned voice
Voice Cloning
In customizing the identity of your proprietary voice,
DupDub is a one-stop solution!
Voice cloning icon

Make audio and video commercials
without hiring voice actors

Product demo video
Brand promo video

4 simple steps
to create your voiceover

  • Step1
    Input text or let our AI create content for you

    Type, paste or import your script or let AI write

  • Step2
    Choose a voiceover or multiple voiceovers

    Over 500 captivating voiceovers covering a wide range of requirements

  • Step3
    Edit your audio to be more perfect

    Enhance your voiceover with immersive sound effects and background music. Customize the speed, pitch, rhythm, pauses, and more to perfectly tailor your audio.

  • Step4
    Export as audio, video or subtitles

    Export MP3, MP4 or SRT files for audio, video and subtitles

Learn about DupDub's core features
  • AI Voiceovers
    700+ AI voiceovers

    Choose ultra-realistic and
    high-quality voiceovers

  • Multiple languages to text on DupDub AI application
    70+ languages and accents

    Dub videos in over 70+ languages and accents by simply typing in text

  • Editing features on DupDub AI application
    20+ editing features

    Generate audios with world-best Text to Speech voice editor

  • voice cloning

    Clone your own voice to make videos unique and memorable

  • AI content writing DupDub features

    Unleash creativity and effortlessly generate
    high-quality content

  • Transcription

    Convert video/audio files and video links to text

  • Subtitle alignment

    Auto-align timelines of video/ audio files and paired scripts

  • Download Icon

    Download required video materials for video production